Shipping & Returns

  • All orders are shipped in 7 calendar days or less.

  • Shipping cost is $13.99 for the first item and $4.50 for each additional item shipped to the same address.

  • Orders to all states ship FedEx Smartpost, except Alaska, Hawaii, & APO/FPOs which ship USPS.

  • Shipping times vary from 1 to 6 business days after your order leaves our shop, depending on where you live.

  • If you need expedited shipping such as next day air, please call us at 800-332-2707 to place your order.

  • We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not happy with your purchase, we will repair it or replace the item or issue a refund at our option.

  • If damage has occurred... SAVE the Box & ALL Packaging Materials, call 1-800-332-2707 ASAP to receive replacement(s). UPS will collect the box, packing materials, & damaged item(s)